Saturday, September 18, 2010

ATTENTION Skinny jeans are not for boys

First of all if anyone knows what Kohl's modo (the more you know the more you Kohl's) is supposed to mean please tell me immediately. That is where I went shopping today. I got many pants one of witch happened to be skinny Jeans a.k.a jegings. So after I went shopping I went swimming and after that I took a shower. After I took my shower I put on my skinny/Jegings.
They are very cute and they are quite comfortable. But as I wear my jegings the thought comes to my head. How in this insane earth is a boy even going to get his legs into these kind of pants!
If you have ever seen a boy in skinny jeans you now what I mean. Take Justin Bieber for instance.
I wouldn't be surprised if those were sewn on to him! I am sorry if you disagree but this is the truth.


  1. This is a funny post. It made me laugh. And Kohl's logo is a weak attempt at turning the phrase "shop at Kohl's" into a common usage verb. Slightly awkward but I'm over it.
